We now deliver baby chicks to you directly
Baby Chicks (100s of breeds) can be delivered anywhere in the United States via USPS from February through October
TYPES OF CHICKENS (3 Bird Minimum to Ship) As Low As $1.95/ Each
- Brown Egg Layers
- White Egg Layers
- Green, Blue, Lavendar and Olive Colored Egg Layers
- Bielefelder (Chicken of the year, German Hybrid)
- All Time Best Selling Layer Chicken (Rhode Island Red)
- Meat Birds (Broilers)
- Rare Breeds
- Old English Breeds
- Bantam Chickens (small chickens)
- Silkies (super soft feathered small chickens)
- Hot Weather Chickens
- Cold Weather Chickens
- Mature Chickens
- Pullets (mature female, not yet laying)
- Turkeys
- Ducks
- Geese
- Game Birds (Quail and Pheasant etc...)
- Hatching Eggs (order fertile eggs & hatch them at home)
- Brown Egg Layers
- White Egg Layers
- Green, Blue, Lavendar and Olive Colored Egg Layers
- Bielefelder (Chicken of the year, German Hybrid)
- All Time Best Selling Layer Chicken (Rhode Island Red)
- Meat Birds (Broilers)
- Rare Breeds
- Old English Breeds
- Bantam Chickens (small chickens)
- Silkies (super soft feathered small chickens)
- Hot Weather Chickens
- Cold Weather Chickens
- Mature Chickens
- Pullets (mature female, not yet laying)
- Turkeys
- Ducks
- Geese
- Game Birds (Quail and Pheasant etc...)
- Hatching Eggs (order fertile eggs & hatch them at home)
- Feeders (beginning feeders)
- Best Treadle Feeders for pullets and hens (rat proof) multiple sizes
- Waterers
- Nesting and chicken comfort
- Incubator (for hatching your own eggs)
- Misc Poultry Supplies
- Feeders (beginning feeders)
- Best Treadle Feeders for pullets and hens (rat proof) multiple sizes
- Waterers
- Nesting and chicken comfort
- Incubator (for hatching your own eggs)
- Misc Poultry Supplies
cornville AriZona - local chicken inventory
100 Baby chicks still for sale
arrive and for sale june 20th, 2024
Breeds currently for sale are: Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers & Black Sex Links
Call now to arrange pickup of your baby chicks at 928-852-0808
These breeds are all recognized at being superior for laying Eggs. The Rhode Island Red holds top position for being the most prolific egg layer (6 EGGS PER WEEK) with proper diet and low stress environment. Easter Eggers are a favorite because they produce Green or Blue Egg shells when they lay. Many believe Buff orpingtons to have a favorable temperament, and pleasant plumage and dual purpose breed good for eating when they have passed their prime egg laying days..